NS Vision 2025
If you're interested in supporting Vision 2025 projects, click on the "Donate" button below. Thank you!
Thank You
On behalf of the school board and our school district, I want to thank the community for supporting our referendum election and our Vision 2025. I am grateful to be the superintendent of the North Scott School District. We have a wonderful educational system that is supported by the entire North Scott communities.
The passing of Vision 2025 will help provide more educational opportunities for our students. Our students and communities will get more space and updated facilities. We are excited to increase the number of career pathways for our students which includes diesel, construction, electricity plumbing, metals, veterinary assistant, and more. The improved and expanded classroom space at Alan Shepard, Neil Armstrong, and the junior high school will provide a better educational environment for our students. Several athletic complexes will be improved to provide a better environment for our athletes to play on and improved facilities for our fans.
We are excited to get started this Spring on the first three projects. Again, we could not have done this without the support of our communities. Thank you. It is a privilege to serve the North Scott Community School District and the communities to make this district great.
What is North Scott Vision 2025?
The North Scott School District is seeking to improve current facilities to provide a better learning environment for our students. We are expanding career pathways for our students in construction, diesel, and agriculture in addition to enhancing two elementary buildings, the junior and senior high schools and athletic facilities. Our Vision continues to improve North Scott to be a district of choice to live, work, and learn.
NS Vision Projects
2023 Recommendations
- Alan Shepard Multipurpose & Classroom Addition - Building Plans PDF
- Regional Innovation Center - Building Plans PDF I, PDF II
- Softball Field, Parking, Concession & Restroom Building - Building Plans PDF
2024 Recommendations
- High School Welding & Metal Lab - Building Plans PDF
- Junior High Music Wing Renovation & Woodshop/Classroom Addition - Building Plans PDF
- Neil Armstrong Gym and Classroom Addition - Building Plans PDF
- Lancer Stadium Renovation - Building Plans PDF I, PDF II
Funding Proposal
- $45 million total
- $25 million from general bonds (Election September 13, 2022)
- $20 million from SAVE bonds